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thumb 150423 Our Trip to EnglandAuch in diesem Schuljahr haben Schülerinnen und Schüler der 9a, 9c und 9spo eine Sprachreise nach England unternommen. Ihre Erlebnisse und Eindrücke dort haben Nils Kober und Max Siebke aus der 9c in Text und Bildern festgehalten.


On Wednesday evening we met at 9.30 pm at school and started the bus trip to England half an hour later. In the next morning we got on the ferry in Calais about 10 o'clock. Shortly before the arrival in Dover we had this great view at those beautiful white cliffs. It still took about 5h to get to Bournemouth, where we met our host family the first time. This was a very exiting moment for everybody.

1st day

Trip to EnglandOur first excursion on Friday was to the Coast, where we did a little walk to the famous Durdle Door, which can be seen on the picture. The landscape was amazing especially because I didn't expect England could be as natural as it is.

Later on, on our way towards Weymouth, we came along the so-called White Horse, which shows King George III and was sculpted in 1808. For the Olympics 2012 it was completely cleaned up and slightly recut which made it look like in its first years.

On Portland, a little peninsula near to Weymouth, we made a little stop on the top of the hill to enjoy this great view to the village of Portland and its beach. A bit later we also stopped about half an hour to 150423 Englandtrip 4visit the area around the lighthouse of Portland.

As already indicated, we went to Weymouth in the afternoon. Most of us followed the suggestion of our guide Steve to eat some original Fish'n'Chips instead of going to one of the fast-food restaurants we also have in Germany. Partly it tastet very well but the prevailing opinion was not as good as expected. As you see on the photo it also was great fun to do the fairground rides.

 2nd day

At first the Saturday had just been planed for free-time the whole day. But our teachers would liked us to to have a bit more change, that's why we went to Winchester as well. The city is famous for a lot of historic buildings e.g. its cathedral or the castle. The statue of King Alfred is one of the landmarks of Winchester because he had defeated the Danish King Guthrum. If you walk though Winchester today you can still imagine how it was like when it was the capital of England. But of course most of the time we did some shoppings because it was more interesting for us than history.

In the afternoon in Bournemouth one of the things we did was shopping as well but later on we just were chilling at the beach. On the photo which was taken from the pier it can be seen how windy it was what many surfers liked.

3rd day

On Sunday we did a trip to London starting early in the morning. It took us about 2,5h to get there but first we visited most of the important sights in London by bus, so we got of the bus at the beginning of Oxford Street at 11.30h.

Trip to EnglandAs you can see on the photo Regent Street is probably the most splendid an expensive shopping mile in London where many famous and big shops are located. That's whywe spent most of our time there. Piccadilly Circus was originally built as a roundabout but after several reorganizations it became just a famous cross with its monument and big advertisements.

4th day

On Monday morning we had our first lessons in school. In the afternoon we went one more time to Bournemouth but didn't go shopping again. Chilling out at the beach was great as well and some crazy people including me were swimming in the cold sea.

5th day

Trip to EnglandOn Thursday we went to Stonehenge after school. It was impressive to imagine how they had built it 5000 ago just with manpower but it wasn't as interesting as expected. But even today Stonehenge still is a mystery, nobody knows exactly why and how it had been built.
After that we went to Salisbury which is a city about 10 miles southern of Stonehenge. The visit of of the Cathedral of Salisbury was amazing especially because the first human-rights document is stored there. It is called the "Magna Carta". Before going back home we had some free time for taking lunch.

6th day

Our last entire day in England we went to Portsmouth to visit the HMS Victory which was the Flagship of the Royal Navy around the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. It became famous for the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 where Admiral Nelson died.

Den von Nils Kober und Max Siebke gestalteten Original-Fotobericht können Sie sich im Folgenden herunterladen.


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